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In order to be eligible for the awards, three categories have been established. Thus, all companies in the tourism sector with up to 100 employees, companies in the tourism sector with more than 100 employees, as well as local or national non-profit organizations may participate. All of them must have developed projects or corporate strategies with an impact on the SDGs.
In order to enter the Awards, companies and/or entities must send their candidatures through the entry form available on the Awards website. An independent jury will be responsible for evaluating the different entries and selecting the winners. The deadline for submitting nominations opened on Wednesday, October 19 and will remain open until November 30, 2022, at 23:59h (peninsular time).
The winners in each of the categories will be announced during the awards ceremony to be held in Madrid, coinciding with FITUR, on January 19, 2022. The winners will receive an honorary diploma and, as a prize, a grant to defray the costs of the audit to obtain the Corporate Green. Sustainable Company certification, awarded by OCA Global.