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H.M. King Felipe VI received at the Zarzuela Palace a delegation from Forética, composed of presidents, CEOs and other senior representatives of the companies promoting the entity and the members of the Board of Directors.
In his speech, the president of Forética, Raúl Grijalba, expressed to His Majesty, on behalf of the more than 250 members that make up Forética, his gratitude for the recognition of the organization's work in the year that celebrates its twentieth anniversary.
On the occasion of the organization's anniversary, Grijalba stressed that "in these 20 years, Forética has contributed to the practical incorporation of social, environmental and good governance aspects in Spanish companies. An incorporation that is part of the ethical commitment of all of them and of an expanded understanding of the business purpose, a source of innovation and competitiveness for both companies and the country".
The hearing was attended by high-level representatives of Forética's sponsoring partners, among whom were Adif, Banco Santander, BMW, Endesa, IKEA, Manpower Group o Naturgy. Also in attendance were representatives of the Board of Directors of Forética, among them the OCA Global Certification Division,and the group of personal associates.