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Last October, the Federación Nacional de Empresarios de España (FENIE) held its XIX National Congress in Santander.
During the days of the congress there was a large participation among professionals in the facilities sector and a wide range of services were made available to attendees at the Palacio de Congresos de Santander. From an area of showroom with manufacturers, distribution and service companies from the sector; to training spaces -called speaker corners- where attendees could enjoy more than 30 training sessions on a wide variety of interesting topics, keynote speeches, etc.
OCA Global attended the event given the great importance of the electrical installation inspection activity at national level and the excellent relationship it maintains with the different associations that make up the Federation.
In the photo, from left to right: Emilio Campos (President of ASIECAN), Jesús Rivero (Operations Manager OCA Global), and Jaume Fornés (President of FENIE).