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Last Friday, September 27, OCA Global presented its Livestock Animal Welfare Transport (LAWT) certification at the annual congress of the National Association for the Transport of Live Animals (ANTA), held at the Chamber of Commerce of Lleida.
The presentation of this new certification scheme was one of the highlights of the event, generating great expectation for its pioneering nature. Until now, the entire value chain of the meat industry could certify animal welfare, except for one of the most critical links: transport.
Those in charge of the presentation of the new certificate were Mariona Vallverdú (Agri-food Product Certification Technician) and Jaime Forment (Director of Agri-food Product Certification).
This new scheme must be a badge that allows identifying those operators that carry out transport of live animals under Animal Welfare criteria and demonstrates the general good work of the sector. Initially
¿Do you want to know more about our certifications in Bienestar Animal?
You can contact us here.